The year is 11 ABY. The Empire has fallen and Luke Skywalker trains the next generation of Jedi…

Deep within the verdant tapestry of Yavin IV, a hidden gem awaits beneath the shelter of a hand crafted A-frame made from the moon's native wood. This modest structure, standing as both camouflage and homage, conceals the entrance to a bunker that has undergone a remarkable evolution. Initially fashioned by Luke Skywalker as a personal retreat in the aftermath of the Empire's fall, this refuge has now blossomed into a pivotal hub for training the next generation of Jedi.

The A-frame structure, rising gracefully amidst the lush foliage, frames the entrance to the bunker. It's not merely a practical cover but a symbolic gesture, a nod to the natural beauty that surrounds and informs the hidden sanctuary within. Marked with subtle Jedi symbols, the doorway beckons those attuned to the Force, guiding them into a space that seamlessly melds the organic elements of Yavin IV with remnants of advanced technology from a bygone era.

Beyond the entrance lies a bustling bar, where the once-private meditation area has transformed into a lively social hub. Under the A-frame's protective embrace, Luke Skywalker, though carrying the weight of grief for the loss of his comrades, guides the next generation of Jedi. In the midst of revelry and camaraderie, he imparts his wisdom, forging connections that echo the resilience and hope of the Rebel Alliance.

The thriving bar now bears the name "Tatooiniki." This blend of Tatooine and tiki encapsulates the essence of the galaxy's diverse offerings, where the Force, friends, and fantastic libations converge. Within this wretched hive, the "Council of Nerf Herders" plays a crucial but secret role, guiding the training of the next generation of Jedi…